INTENTION STATEMENT FOR EDUCATION (Children, Teens, Adults)   In a warm, interactive, supportive setting, we students and teachers at CSL DE experience the Presence of God, awaken to our own divine potential,  build friendships,  and fully realize our vision through the study and the practice of spiritual principles.


Powering Your Decisions

Facilitator Eugene Holden RScP

8 Thursdays via ZOOM

March 13th – May 1st, 2025

6:30pm – 9:00pm

Registration Fee • $45.00 • Due 3/12

Tuition & Materials • $200.00

Required Textbooks (Not included in tuition):

 “The Power of Decision.” Raymond Charles Barker and “Power Your Decisions Self-Study Workbook.” Pamela D Grey


Our classes give you what you need to expand your knowledge of New Thought – Ancient Wisdom/Science of Mind spiritual principles and to gain practical spiritual tools for everyday use. In addition to learning about our philosophy and how to apply it, being in a class is one of the best ways to enter more deeply into our spiritual community. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet and get to know people of like mind.


The Center for Spiritual Living Delaware is affiliated with Centers for Spiritual Living. Students may take classes for personal spiritual enrichment or as a path to taking Professional Practitioner Training leading to being a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner.

We offer a pathway to becoming a licensed practitioner. Practitioners are individuals of high spiritual consciousness and deep understanding, trained in the art, science and skill of affirmative prayer. Practitioners are dedicated to the cause of helping others and licensed to practice professionally.



The Center for Spiritual Living Delaware is affiliated with Centers for Spiritual Living  School of Spiritual Leadership. Becoming a minister rarely begins with a simple declaration; there is a process we move through that culminates in saying Yes to ministry. Ultimately, however, whether you come to ministry early in your life or after a life busy with other professions, the ministry chooses you. There is a divine calling that won’t let you go.

CSL DE’s 48 Hour Cancellation Policy for Workshops and Events.

 If you are unable to attend an event that you have paid for in advance and would like a refund, please call 302-635-7316 at least 48 hours or more before the event or workshop takes place. If CSLDE is notified less than 48 hours before the event, the event fee is non-refundable.

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