June 2024 Theme: Holy Boldness

In person Meditation at 10:00am, in person and Facebook Live Services begin at 10:30.
Life invites us to live with gusto and verve. The only thing holding us back is ourselves and possible perceptions of obstacles. If Harriet Tubman could make a way out of her extreme circumstances and experiences, we all can. Our attitude, outlook, willingness, perseverance, persistence, and resilience are critical. There is a sacred knowing deep within us that always supports and guides us. Combined with courage, tenacity, and keen inner listening, this innate knowing will deliver us from and through anything. As we work in partnership with Spirit, all things are truly possible, especially the seemingly impossible.
June 2024 Weekly Themes
June 2nd • Sacred Audacity
Our participation is needed in life. We have choice and volition in how we engage. We can either subdue our light or live boldly in a vibrant manner. We have permission from Spirit to live creatively through our unique nature that was assigned just to us. We get to step out, draw outside of the lines, and think beyond our fears with our imagination and courage. When we act intentionally, humbly, and from our wellspring within, we can enjoy a bold grand rising into a new moment of transformation. This sacred audacity fuels us to reach, stretch, and strive.
June 9th • Fired Up!
Have you ever been on fire about something and NOTHING could convince you otherwise? Where did that fire come from? As you reflect on it now, can you feel the fire and passion welling back up? Our imagination and recall can bring it and the drive behind it back to us again. Holy boldness is the fire in your soul that propels you to action. It ignites the flame within, keeps it stoked, and confirms that anything is possible in God. Holy boldness is the “fire in the belly” that is the necessary conviction for effective prayer.
June 16th • Unbounded & Unstoppable
If we believe in something so deeply and we decide to pursue it, we may feel a sense of freedom to accomplish it. There are no limits or barriers that can stop us. We feel like nothing is holding us back, and we are unbounded and unstoppable to express and manifest life’s creativity. When we feel this way in God, we feel irrepressible and unrestrained, liberated and lifted, and ready to take on anything with faith, strength, and trust in the unlimited potential of the Infinite that is within and all around us.
June 23rd • Higher Heights
Higher heights take us higher than where we are right now. We can’t lift our vision and expectations with a downward gaze. We must elevate our vision upward, beyond the clouds, beyond the stars, beyond the rainbow to rise to higher heights. The infinite spectrum of Spirit applies directly to us. We have unlimited potential and abundant resources at our immediate disposal. However, we first have to remove any hidden beliefs that tell us we don’t, or can’t, or aren’t. We live in a bountiful universe of greatness that continually exposes us to higher heights if we’re open to it.
June 30th • Colorful to the Core
As spiritual beings we are made all-inclusive through the creativity and abundance of God. At the center of our core is every color of the rainbow. We all come equipped with a color-filled palette at the core of our being, with all colors, shades, and hues. No matter if we tend towards colorful and vibrant or muted tones and shades, we all are our own version of “colorful to the core”. It takes all the colors and shapes in the spectrum to make up the infinite variety of who we all are.
Join us in person at CCArts in Yorklyn DE
10:00am – Practitioner lead guided meditation in the Orange Studio
10:20am – Music in the Sanctuary
10:30am – Sunday Service begins in the Sanctuary. The Children’s Fellowship begins in the Orange Studio
11:30am – Fellowship and Private Prayer Sessions in the Sanctuary
The Orange studio is located at the Snuff Mill Rd entrance to CCArts. The Sanctuary is located in the Auditorium at the Creek Road entrance to CCArts. Parking is available near all entrances and the handicap entrances are at both Creek Rd and Snuff Mill Rd entrances.