Mar 2023 Sunday Services

MARCH 2023 Theme: Cultivating Authenticity

To live out loud means for us to fully express who we are and who we have come here to be. Throughout this month, we will explore the practice of cultivating authenticity which empowers us to step into all areas of our life in integrity with our real authentic self.


Cultivating authenticity is not about becoming something other than who you are, rather it involves us in releasing those patterns of thought, attitudes, and actions that act as barriers to us standing in our personal truth and power. And by taking up this practice we develop courage to be vulnerable to stand in that truth. This month we will explore parts of the practice for authentically living out loud.

March 5th • Everyone Else is Already Taken

It is often said, “Be yourself because everyone else is already taken.” It can feel scary and a risk to be authentic in a world that is trying to fit square pegs in round holes. It starts with, “Know Thyself.” Speaker: Rev. Dr. Kathleen Johnson, Music: Sharon Bousquet, Event: Annual Gathering

March 12th • Dropping the Masks and Bushels

We wear masks in celebration, for fun, and to be safe. Masks that we wear for our hearts may keep us safe until they don’t. Vulnerability empowers us to drop the mask and let our light shine. Speaker: Rev. Dr. Kathleen Johnson. Music: CelStiaL Joy Ensemble led by Dean Regan RScP NO RECORDING AVAILABLE; VIDEO ONLY

March 19th • Boundaries Build Bridges

While physical boundaries can act as walls, when we communicate our boundaries, instead of a wall, we are creating a clear path for others to connect with us. Boundaries build bridges. Speaker: Rev. Dr. Kathleen Johnson. Music: Deb Chamberlin. Events: Power of 8 at 11:50am

March 26th

Speaker: Dr Rev Kathleen johnson, Spiritual Director Music: Deb Chamberlin. EVENT POSTPONED: Home Within - A Meditation Workshop. Workshop date is to be determined.

Join us in person at CCArts in Yorklyn DE