Power of 8 Circle

If you’re curious and want to explore the Power of Group Intention
CSL Delaware has an ongoing Power of 8 Circle that meets on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 11:50am at the the Center for Creative Arts in Yorklyn, DE. Maybe you, too, will discover the extraordinary miracles that happen when even just a handful of people come together with prayerful intention.
Power of 8 Circle meets on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 11:50am @ CCArts
For more information. Here is an article on Power of 8 by Debra Moffitt from Unity.
Lynne McTaggart discovered an unexpected miracle in researching the power of intention groups: They boomerang blessings back to us.

Discovering author Lynne McTaggart’s Power of Eight intention groups and experiencing them firsthand is shifting my perspective of what can happen when we dare to come together with others and hold a prayerful intention. Miracles become a common occurrence.
Sande Cournoyer is a perfect example. The 63-year-old, who was scheduled for knee-replacement surgery, had never heard of McTaggart’s work when she signed up as an usher for a Power of Eight group initiation near Denver, Colorado. When the participants split into groups, a friend invited her to receive the group’s healing intentions.
Cournoyer and the group held hands in a circle and focused on the specific intention that her knee be whole, healed, pain-free, and complete. “When we went into silence and the prayer began, it felt like something touched me, almost like electricity—not a jolt, but a tingling sensation,” Cournoyer remembers. “My whole body got warm. I felt a sensation in my knee like two oven mitts applying pressure in front and behind, then on both sides. It felt kind of like we were in a trance. When Lynne brought us out of that, a lot of people had tears in their eyes. When we shared, everybody said the same thing. We had all felt an enormous tingling sensation.”
She immediately walked without pain and did two deep knee bends, which had been impossible just minutes before. She cancelled the medical procedure and five months later is still fine. This is merely one of many documented cases of immediate and sudden changes originating from the Power of Eight groups worldwide.
The Rebound Effect
Cournoyer wasn’t the only one who benefited that night. One person with a chronic shoulder problem raised her arms above her head for the first time in ages. Another’s migraine headache cleared. Yet another arrived with a cane and walked away not needing it. But these three people were sending intentions, not receiving them. McTaggart calls this the “rebound effect.”
McTaggart runs two types of group intentions: one with small groups of eight, as with the Denver group, and the other as large-scale experiments, in which she invites her internet audience or a group of workshop participants to send one designated thought to affect a target in a laboratory, set up by a scientific team.
These large-scale studies have shown that even though the intention target (the receivers) had documented improvements in health or life situations, “the more interesting experience has been on the actual senders,” McTaggart says. They showed significant improvements in health, relationships, job situations, and in every area of their lives. They also report an increased sense of purpose, well-being, and connectedness to others.
With her Power of Eight groups, she measured their brainwaves to determine what goes on within people while they’re sending intentions as well as what would happen to them throughout an entire year. Of those who met regularly in intention groups, nearly 100 percent reported major life transformations. “One man healed a suicidal depression,” McTaggart says. “A woman healed 15-year-old chronic fatigue. Another woman regained a good part of her hearing. It goes on and on like that. Others said they got their dream jobs or received financial windfalls when they needed them.”
For some, however, nothing worked. One master class participant named Andy was going through a divorce, had sold her gift shop, and couldn’t find a new job. “I finally said, ‘Andy, just get off yourself. Start intending for someone else,’” McTaggart remembers. Andy felt deeply touched by the story of a young man named Luke who was in the hospital, and she began sending regular intentions for his healing. Luke’s situation improved—and a few days after Andy started focusing on Luke, she got a call out of nowhere and got her dream job. “That happened over and over again,” McTaggart says.
“When people took their attention away from themselves, amazing things started to happen. Once you get away from yourself, the universe starts working for you.
“I’ve never seen a situation where we haven’t had amazing responses both among senders and receivers,” McTaggart says. “Meeting weekly is key. The group dynamic seems to hugely amplify the effect.”
The Science of Intention
McTaggart, author of The Power of Eight (Atria Books, 2017), The Bond (Free Press, 2011), and The Intention Experiment (Free Press, 2007), didn’t set out to prove intention groups work. But that’s what happened.
“I was the ultimate doubting Thomas,” she says. However, through carefully designed scientific experiments and research with leading scientists, McTaggart could no longer ignore or deny the powerful evidence. Still, it took her 10 years to write The Power of Eight because she didn’t believe it herself—at first passing it off as simply a placebo effect.
Of the 30 experiments she’s conducted to date, 26 have shown significant positive effects. “No prescription drug has that kind of consistent track record,” she notes. She found the rebound effects even more fascinating.
“I studied group effects, brain science, the science of altruism, the science of intention,” McTaggart remembers, finally deciding altruism had a lot to do with what was happening. Studies from the University of California at Berkeley, she points out, have shown that altruistic acts make you more compassionate toward people who are not like you. “When you do something altruistic, you activate the vagus nerve, the longest cranial nerve in the body,” McTaggart explains. “It winds around the top of the spine and through all of the major organs, and it activates compassion, love, and caring because it triggers the release of the bonding hormone oxytocin. This also causes the immune system to go through an amazing reboot. Lots of fabulous stuff happens in our bodies once we take our attention away from ourselves.”
She adds that a French scientist calls group healing soirée miracles. “I think that’s it,” she adds. “When we come together with a common prayer, miracles just happen.”
The Basic Procedure:
- Be specific in formulating the intention. Begin with “Our intention is for …” and then add the name of the receiver and the specifics of what you intend for them, such as, “to be free of any pain in her right knee.” McTaggart suggests adding “and to be healthy and well in every way” at the end to cover anything else.
- Take a few breaths together.
- Hold the intention for about 10 minutes. Imagine the person healthy and well in every way as you send the intention out to them through your heart.
- Let go, trust the process, and slowly come back.